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Deep Clean Technology — The HOST® Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning System |  by Csi Clean | Medium


- Russell Moore, Napa Sew & Vac Owner

I became acquainted with HOST while confronting problems and complaints about wet extraction cleaning methods. While attending a sewing machine seminar at the Emeryville Hyatt, we were taking a break and I observed this system being used by the hotel maintenance staff. My inquiry led to our own HOST distributorship. The process is simple, there are no chemicals to mix. The HOST cleaning material comes in a sealed foil pouch. It is slightly moist material, saturated with a specially formulated cleaning solution. The product is made by Racine Industries in Racine WI. They use a material contrived from a ground corn husk which carries the cleaning material through the carpet pile using a machine resembling a pile lifter. As the brushes spin, it spreads HOST through the carpet. Acting like tiny little sponges, it absorbs dirt and residue. Upon completion, the HOST is removed by vacuuming. The carpet is dry and ready to use. Any material left behind by the initial vacuuming will be removed by subsequent vacuuming. This system is effective on most spots and can be used with a spotting brush for intermittent maintenance.  HOST is completely safe and biodegradable! View these training videos!

Link: How to Instructions with Video

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